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"Tian Tian Xiang Shang: Arts is Learning Learning is Arts” An exhibition of creative cultural exchange

TTXS@BACC exhibition was curated by Danny Yung.

The exhibition is a collaboration between Zuni Icosahedron and Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC).
Ever first 100 pieces of Tian Tian figurines created by Bangkok/Thailand creative talents, two pieces of 6-meter large scale outdoor TT sculptures, and over 1,000 pieces mini TTs created by young people of Bangkok/Thailand will be shown in this round.
Another 300 pieces TT created by Hong Kong and international artists will be part of this exchange and exhibition. 
Topped up with workshops for younger generations and all walks of life, TTXS@BACC fosters cross-cultural and cross-generational dialogues and exchanges.

Organizer:  Bangkok Art and Culture Centre and Zuni Icosahedron

Date:          2019/03/01 - 2019/04/12

Venue:        Bangkok Art And Culture Centre, Bangkok, Thailand

Zuni Icosahedron is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
© 2023 Zuni Icosahedron. All Rights Reserved.

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